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How to quickly adapt to your new life after moving?


New accommodation, change of environment… A move is accompanied by many upheavals which can sometimes be difficult to understand. Here are some tips to follow to adapt as best as possible to your new life.

It is important to involve the whole family in the integration process. © Geber86 – Getty Images

It is important to involve the whole family in the integration process. © Geber86 – Getty Images

Set off to discover your new neighborhood!

Moving is accompanied by many changes and can become a real source of stress. By changing neighborhood, city, or even department or region, you geographically break your social and friendly references and must open up to a new environment. So that the change is not too sudden, it is recommended to start finding out about your new place to live before you even move there . The ideal is to go there for a few days to soak up the atmosphere, discover the shops, parks, public transport or even the different activities near your future home.

If you do not have the opportunity to spend several days in your next place of residence, you can glean a lot of information from the website of the municipality or the tourist office. Once settled in your new apartment or house, take the time to walk the surrounding streets and get to know your new neighbors . These are the best ways to immerse yourself in your new life.

Involve your whole family in the adaptation process so that everyone feels connected to their new environment.

Don’t completely disrupt your routine!

If a move necessarily involves a change in some of your habits, it is important not to completely disrupt your routine so that this change in life is less harsh. If you used to do your shopping at the end of the week, continue to do so. Same thing for your little evening stroll or your morning jog. If you practiced an activity in your old town, find out about the sports and cultural associations in your new town . It will also be an opportunity to meet new people and facilitate your integration.

If you still don’t feel completely at home after a few weeks or months, don’t be discouraged. Adapting to a new environment and integrating into a new region can take time. To get to grips with your new neighborhood, it can be a good idea, in addition to maintaining your routine, to create new rituals . For example, you could go to a favorite coffee shop once a week for breakfast or take a family walk in your neighborhood park.

How to make your new home yours?

While it’s important to adapt to your new environment, it’s the same with your new home. After having lived for several years in your previous apartment or your previous house, in which you had your bearings, it is not always easy to create new ones. To better adapt to your new home, two possibilities exist. If you’re afraid of being too disoriented, it might be a good idea to give your new rooms a similar layout to those in your previous home.

On the contrary, if you feared having difficulty turning the page while maintaining the same organization as in your old home, you can try to completely change the decoration of your rooms and the arrangement of your furniture. In all cases, it is recommended to personalize your new home as much as possible according to your tastes and to quickly find a place for the objects to which you are

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